Background of the Study
Maternal death is always a great tragedy. Apart from being a lost
to the family and the community the child is deprived of maternal love
and care. Herz and Meashan (1987) revealed that children thrive and
learn more when their mothers are with them. Maternal death arising
from child bearing exert a heavy needless on women and their families
in most of the developing countries.
A great majority of maternal deaths are preventable due to
technology and education now available yet maternal deaths even
when one consider all the personal loss of family experience are small
portion of the problems compared with what pregnant women faces.
The Lewis & Dripe International Classification of Disease Injuries
and Causes of Death (2005) defines maternal death as the death of a
woman while pregnant or within 42 days of delivery miscarriage or
termination of pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by
the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental
causes. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that at least
600000 women die every year from pregnancy related causes though
the rate is difficult to estimate accuracy (Clark 2002). Whereas the life
time risk of maternal death for a woman in a developed country is 1 in
1800 in Africa. It is 1 in 16 in Asia 1 in 65 and in Latin America 1 in 130
(Who 1998). The global causes of maternal death are harmorrhage
infection (puerperial sepsis) obstructed labour eclampsia and the
consequences of the safe abortion. The safe motherhood initiative was
originated to address the scandalous loss of maternal life but has little
impact on outcomes although awareness has been highlighted. More
recently WHO (2002) has launched the initiative making pregnancy
safer (MPS) which addresses three target:
● Prevention and management of unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion
● Skilled care during pregnancy and child birth
● Access to referral care when complication arise
All these are of direct concern to midwives and their practice
(Bannede & Lyander 2003).
The life saving techniques in use at Kafanchan General Hospital
are as follows:
a) Living oxytocin with delivery of the anthrax should
b) Early clamping and cutting of the cord
c) Nipple stimulation usually with breast feeding
d) Giving episiotomy to prevent ragged tear
e) Assisted delivery of the placenta through controlled cord
traction while supporting or holding the contracted uterus
(Dr. A. A. Adeyemi 2005).
The Major Causes of Maternal Mortality in Kafanchan
General Hospital are:
● Post partum haemorrhage
● Infection (puerperial sepsis)
● Obstructed labour
Post Partum Haemorrhage: is defined as excessive bleeding
from the genital tract at any time following child birth up to six
weeks after delivery.
Puerperial Sepsis is defined as an infection or the genital tract
which occurs as a complication of delivery.
Obstructed Labour is refers to a situation in which the descent
of the presentation is arrested despite good and efficient uterine
The Life Saving Practice that could be Adopted to Prevent
Maternal Mortality
i) Giving 1.m (intramuscular injection) which is oxytocin 10IU
and ergometrin 0.5ml this will be given at the delivery of the
anterior shoulder of the baby.
● This hasten the separation of placental
● It aid in contraction of the uterine muscles and also
prevent post-partum haemorrhage in 3rd stage of labour
ii) Using aseptic method in conducting delivery and sterilization
of instrument used properly. This is the most safest and
more effective method for processing instrument that come
in contact with blood the tissue beneath the skin or tissue
which are normally stream
Statement of the Problem
The current status of maternal mortality in General Hospital
Kafanchan going by delivery record of (2006-2008) shows that 38
women out of the 4320 women that delivered died representing
approximately 13%. Most of these cases were as a result of:
● Post partum haemorrhage
● Obstructed labour
● Infection (puerperial sepsis)
The correction of labour room management is that most of these
women came in when complication had occurred and such women use
to be brought already in stock state.
The ideal method of handling maternal mortality is that any
woman who have been diagnosed of post partum haemorrhage and
obstructed labour right from antenatal usually come to the labour room
as soon as labour established so that all other medical teams can be
called in case if she cannot deliver per vaginal so as to deliver her safely
and her baby and to prevent such complication.
Due to these reasons the researcher have chosen to find out a way
on how these can be prevented
Purpose of the Study
i) To examine the management techniques of post partum
haemorrhage used by midwives in Kafanchan General Hospital
ii) To ascertain the management techniques of obstructed labour
used by midwives in Kafanchan General Hospital
iii) To identify the management techniques of puerperial sepsis used
by midwives in Kafanchan General Hospital.
Research Questions
i) What are the post partum haemorrhage (PPH) management
technique used by midwives in Kafanchan General Hospital?
ii) What are the obstructed labour management technique used by
midwives in Kafanchan General Hospital?
iii) What are the puerperial sepsis management techniques used by
midwives used in Kafanchan General Hospital?
Significance of the Study
This study will be significant to midwives at Kafanchan General
Hospital. Findings from the study will prove useful information to
midwives on how to safeguard against frequent maternal mortality. The
community will be encourage to make good use of medical facilities even
as the antenatal unit this will also be useful to government of kaduna
state as the findings of the research will provide information on the
causes of maternal mortality amongst childbearing women “how it can
be prevented and create more awareness for people in regards to
maternal death.
It is hoped that the knowledge acquired from the study will also
provide necessary motivation for further researchers who might be
interested in similar study.
Scope of the Study
The research work will be conducted at Kafanchan General
Hospital from 2006-2008. This area was chosen for easy assess to
statistical document from the record department that can guide the
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
national diploma (nd)
Additionnal content
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